Results: 1021
npm search
Searches packages and shows the result with details that include the word
npm search imagegallery
The package should be installed globally (so that other app can use it)
npm install -g live-server
After installing, the package should be started by running the command in console
Installing the package
npm install -g browserify
If our app main JS file is app.js, then running the command will create one
browserify app.js > bundle.js
did not work
did not work The problem solved after running this command in
Windows PowerShell
(open as an administrator)
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope "CurrentUser" -ExecutionPolicy "Unrestricted"
Updates npm to the latest version
npm install npm@latest -g
Search in NPM documentation with keyword
Opens up a web page with detailed documentation about the command
Shows all packages with their dependencies
npm list
Shows the location of globally installed packages (location where our global modules go)
npm root -g
The result (on this computer) is
npm root
Shows the current app folder location
npm root
Results: 1021