Clear all filters including search bar
Valeri Tandilashvili's PHP Notes
gets called when we delete an object manually.
If we don't delete the object during the code execution, it will be called automatically at the end of the code executionclass User {
public $username;
public $friends = ['Tom','David'];
function __construct($name) {
$this->username = $name;
print $this->username . "'s object is created'\n";
function __destruct() {
print $this->username . "'s object is deleted'\n";
$user1 = new User('George');
$user2 = new User('David');
echo $user1->username . "\n";
gets called when a new object of the class gets createdclass User {
public $username;
public $friends = ['Tom','David'];
function __construct($name) {
$this->username = $name;
// print "In BaseClass constructor\n";
public function addFriend($friend_name) {
$this->friends[] = $friend_name;
$user1 = new User('George');
echo $user1->username;
class User {
public $username = 'George';
public $friends = ['Tom','David'];
public function addFriend($friend_name) {
$this->friends[] = $friend_name;
$user1 = new User();
print_r( get_class_methods('User') );
class User {
public $username;
public $friends;
public function addFriend($friend_name) {
$this->friends[] = $friend_name;
$user1 = new User();
print_r( get_class_vars('User') );
functionclass User {
public $username;
public $friends;
public function addFriend($friend_name) {
$this->friends[] = $friend_name;
$user1 = new User();
echo get_class($user1);
, length
, top speed
Methods (behavior): start
, stop
, accelerate
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
if($e->getCode() == 23000){
array_push($errors, 'Technology already exists');
} else {
array_push($errors, 'Database error');
$res = preg_replace('/\\\\u([a-f0-9]{4})/e', "iconv('UCS-4LE','UTF-8',pack('V', hexdec('U$1')))", json_encode($this->response));
Modern way of doing this is:$res = json_encode($this->response, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
added in 5.4 PHP versioninclude_once '../../config.php';
But works one of these lines:include_once './../config.php';
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../config.php';
Output of the second solution is:/storage/content/95/1009995/test.sibrdzne.ge/public_html/../config.php
function getString(&$ar, $maxlen = 255, $firstRead = false, $encoding = 3)
$s = "";
$i = 0;
$rep = 1;
if ($encoding == 8) {
$rep = 2;
do {
$c = 0;
for($rc = 0; $rc < $rep; $rc ++) {
$c += ($firstRead && $i == 0) ? current($ar) : next($ar);
if ($encoding == 8) {
if ($c >= 224 && $c <= 256) {
$c += 4080;
if ($c != 0) {
$s .= mb_chr($c);
} while ($i < $maxlen && $c != 0);
return $s;
$ar = unpack("C*", hex2bin('0001013939353539383235313533340000013930323237000000000000000008004a004800650079002010d010d110d210d310d410d510d610d710d810d910da10db10dc10dd10de10df10e010e110e210e310e410e510e610e710e810e910ea10eb10ec10ed10ee10ef10f00204000200a2'));
$service_type = getString($ar, 6, true); // 6
$source_addr_ton = next($ar); // 7
$source_addr_npi = next($ar); // 8
$source_addr = getString($ar, 21); // 29
$dest_addr_ton = next($ar); // 30
$dest_addr_npi = next($ar);
$destination_addr = getString($ar, 21); // 52
$esmClass = next($ar);
$protocolId = next($ar);
$priorityFlag = next($ar);
next($ar); // schedule_delivery_time
next($ar); // validity_period
$registeredDelivery = next($ar);
next($ar); // replace_if_present_flag
$dataCoding = next($ar); // 60
next($ar); // sm_default_msg_id
$sm_length = next($ar);
$message = getString($ar, $sm_length, false, $dataCoding);
var_dump('encoding: '.$dataCoding, 'length: ' . $sm_length, 'msg:' . $message);