Clear all filters including search bar
Valeri Tandilashvili's PHP Notes
/id:(.*?) submit date:(.*?) done date:(.*?) stat:(.*?) err:(.*)/
The result of the above format is:7439722864896249924 sub:001 dlvrd:001
/id:(.*?) (?:sub:\d+ dlvrd:\d+ )?submit date:(.*?) done date:(.*?) stat:(.*?) err:(.*)/
The result:7439722864896249924
class Class_A { }
class Class_B { }
abstract class MyAbstractClass extends Class_A, Class_B { }
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting '{' in...
2. Interface contains only incomplete member (contains only signature of a method)
interface Animal {
function run() {
echo 'I am running!';
Fatal error: Interface function Animal::run() cannot contain body in ...
3. Interface does not contain data member
interface MyInterface {
public $foo = null;
Fatal error: Interfaces may not include member variables in ...
4. Interface can not have access modifiers (other than public
), by default everything is assumed as public
interface iTemplate
private function setVariable($name, $var);
public function getHtml($template);
Fatal error: Access type for interface method iTemplate::setVariable() must be omitted in ...
Notes (mistakes on the page):
1. Interface does contain CONSTRUCTOR (but can force child classes to implement constructor) as well as abstract class can contain one
interface MyInterface {
function __construct();
class mathh implements MyInterface {
// function __construct(){ }
2. We can have static methods inside interface as well as inside abstract classes
interface MyInterface {
static function getPI();
class mathh implements MyInterface {
static function getPI(){
return 3.1415926535;
3. Abstract class can contain abstract static memberabstract class Animal {
// child classes must implement this
abstract static function prey();
static public function run() {
echo "I am running!\n";
class Dog extends Animal {
static public function prey() {
echo "I killed the cat !\n";
$dog = new Dog();
$dog->prey(); // I killed the cat !
and grandparent
clasesclass A {
public static function who() {
echo __CLASS__;
class B extends A {
public static function who() {
One way to call grandparent's who
method is to use the grandparent class name A
class C extends B {
public static function who() {
Another way is to call who
method of parent class which also calls its parent class (which is grandparent for C
class)class C extends B {
public static function who() {
but in PHP it evaluates to false
if ("0") {
will be encrypted and then decrypted back with AES-128-ECB
encryption algorithm.
Encrypts the text using the secret key sec key
function encrypt_text($text, $secret_key)
return openssl_encrypt($text,"AES-128-ECB", $secret_key);
Decrypts encrypted text (first parameter) using the secret key (second parameter)function decrypt_text($encrypted_string, $secret_key)
return openssl_decrypt($encrypted_string,"AES-128-ECB", $secret_key);
Calls the above two functions to perform encryption and decryption// Secret key, that is used to encrypt and decrypt the $text
$secret = 'sec key';
// the text that we want to encryption and decryption
$text = '123';
$password_encrypted = encrypt_text($text, $secret);
$password_decrypted = decrypt_text($password_encrypted, $secret);
echo 'Encrypted text: ' . $password_encrypted . '<br>';
echo 'Decrypted password: ' . $password_decrypted;
contains filename and parameters, when the php script
is called through command line (cmd). test_args.php
file content:<?php
echo 'Filename:'.$argv[0]."; ";
echo 'First parameter:'.$argv[1]."; ";
echo 'Second parameter:'.$argv[2]."; ";
If we run the command: php test_args.php first-param second-param
in cmd
the script above will output the following:Filename:test_args.php; First parameter:first-param; Second parameter:second-param;
method of the child class B
from parent class A
class A {
public static function who() {
echo __CLASS__;
public static function test() {
class B extends A {
public static function who() {
echo __CLASS__;
The code will call who()
method of parent class and print its name A
If we need test()
to call who()
method of child class B
from parent class, then we can use late static binding
To achieve it, we use static
keyword:class A {
public static function who() {
echo __CLASS__;
public static function test() {
static::who(); // Here comes Late Static Bindings
class B extends A {
public static function who() {
echo __CLASS__;
Interface IBar {
public function method3();
Interface IArray {
public function method2();
Interface IFoo extends IBar, IArray {
public function method1();
class class1 implements IFoo {
public function method1() {
public function method2() {
// public function method3() {
// }
Class class1
implements IFoo
interface which extends other two interfaces itself.
Because the class has not implemented method3
method (commented), then the following error will be generated:Fatal error: Class class1 contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (IBar::method3)
class Bill {
public $dinner = 20;
public $dessert = 5;
public $drink = 3;
public $bill = 0;
public function dinner($count) {
$this->bill += $count * $this->dinner;
return $this;
public function dessert($count) {
$this->bill += $count * $this->dessert;
return $this;
public function drink($count) {
$this->bill += $count * $this->drink;
return $this;
$bill = new Bill;
We can call several methods one by one and print the $bill
echo $bill->bill;
Or we can combine the above 4 expressions using method chaining. The result will be the same:echo $bill->dinner(3)->dessert(2)->drink(1)->bill;
keyword followed by the class name(new Foo)->nonStaticMethod();
Another method is to use self
which comes after new
keyword(new self)->nonStaticMethod();
Complete example:class Foo {
public function nonStaticMethod()
return 'non-static';
public static function staticMethod()
// return (new Foo)->nonStaticMethod();
return (new self)->nonStaticMethod();
echo Foo::staticMethod();
The second method new self
is better, because if we want to rename the class later, we will not need to change the class name more than one place