Results: 1024
Creates a new commit based on the specified commit
git cherry-pick 720192c
Cherry picking in Git means to choose a commit from one branch and apply it onto another
Shows list of files on each commit that were changed within the commit
git log --stat
The reflog is an ordered list of the commits that HEAD has pointed to: it's undo history for your repository
git reflog
Makes changes to the last commit (also updates the commit hash)
git commit --amend -m 'the commit message'
Shows branches that are merged and not deleted yet
git branch --merged
To clone repository from another local repository (located at the parent dir)
git clone ../remote_repo.git .
remove file / all files from staging area
Remove all files from staging area
git reset  /  git reset HEAD  /  git reset HEAD .  /  git restore --staged .
from staging area
git reset index.html  /  git reset HEAD index.html /  git restore --staged index.html
If we want to see which files will be deleted we can use the
option before running the command
git clean -n  /  git clean -fX -n  /  git clean -fx -n
Deletes untracked files that are not staged
git clean -f
Deletes ignored files only
git clean -f -X  /  git clean -fX
Deletes ignored and non-ignored (untracked files that are not staged) files
git clean -f -x  /  git clean -fx
Lists all the files and folders inside the directory
does not work on windows
Results: 1024