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Valeri Tandilashvili's Personal Professional Blog
filenpm config set init-author-name "Va. Tand."
We can omit config
keywordnpm set init-author-name "Va. Tand."
file that contains all of the settings and essential information for the application
Creates the file with the default valuesnpm init -y / npm init --yes
page with some useful information about how to use npm
Same as the above commandnpm help
npm --version
Short version of the above commandnpm -v
install/uninstall modules/packages
create & share modules
use packages created by other developers
manage dependencies & versioning
git bisect start
git add -p
It will ask us interactively whether we want to add each individual changes to the staging area or not
means yes, n
means nogit log --oneline --all --graph
When --graph is not used, all history branches are flattened which can make it hard to see that the two consecutive commits do not belong to a linear branchgit reset --hard HEAD~3
Deletes all commits after the specified commit and moves HEAD to that commit (this will get rid of changes so we should be careful)git reset --hard 004caa3